1:1 Mindfulness Coaching
Tailoring a package to suit your needs in coaching and mentoring in areas of your life, whether it is metaphysical, spiritual, physical or in need of mindfullness.
In my coaching, I will tailor a program to suit your needs and direct you in the right direction of other services and what is needed in your journey.
Coaching Services
Mindfullness coaching sessions can be conducted online via Zoom or face-to-face in Adelaide South Australia.
IIt doesn’t matter where you are in the world, there is a way to avail yourself of Vannas’ mentoring coaching expertise.
As your coach, Vanna will initially discuss your needs to gain insight on your journey. It’s necessary for her to have an idea of where you are spiritually, mentally and physically and what outcome you want from the coaching session.
Do you want to uncover your truth and get a deeper understanding of the physical and spiritual worlds?
Are there specific questions you want answered, or do you want guidance in a specific direction?
Have you seen things or had experiences you can’t explain? Do you feel like you can’t talk to anyone for fear of being misunderstood?
How would you like to progress further to maintain your spiritual and physical health?
Vanna will then design a customized plan for you that will include coaching and mindfulness homework, such as exercises to develop intuitive thinking, meditation, breathwork, exercise, stretching and flow programs.
She will provide a recommended healing and therapy path to enable you to get your questions answered, to connect with your spirit, to heal, to feel grounded, and just feel in better health all around.
Whether your session is face-to-face or via Zoom, Vanna creates a safe environment filled with respect, love, and compassion, where you can share anything that’s on your mind or in your heart.
It’s only when you fully express yourself – what’s going on for you, how you feel about life, and what are the innermost questions you really want to ask – that Vanna can do the most good for your soul.
In this safe space, Vanna will use her intuitive abilities, her skills as a intuitive coach, personal trainer, energy healer and her knowledge of shamanic wisdom to bring forth the guidance you need to replenish spirit energy, heal your soul, and follow your true life path.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information on any aspect of metaphysical health, including energy healing, intuitive development, mindfulness training. meditation and physical training.